Underway, within the context of maritime language, refers to a state in which a vessel is in active motion or navigation over water. This could involve a range of actions such as steering, thrusting, or propelling. The term "underway" is specifically used when a vessel is not held in place by anchors, mooring lines, or resting on ashore. It is an operational status where the vessel is independent, freely maneuvering, and is clear from any direct attachment to the shoreline, dock, seabed or any other stationary fixtures. This situation may occur in various maritime events, whether it's a journey from one port to another, displacement for storage, or conducting different maritime operations.
1. Shortly after leaving the harbor, the captain announced that we were officially underway, sailing out towards the open sea.
2. My rowing team had been training for months for this regatta; it was overwhelming to finally see our boat underway, powered by the rhythmic stroke of our oars against the water.
3. The fishing boat was underway well before dawn, ready to cast its nets as soon as the sun came up.
4. The researchers watched as their research vessel was underway, heading into the depths of the Pacific Ocean to fulfill its mission of studying marine biodiversity.
5. The sight of the 200-ton ferry finally underway filled the crowd with excitement, as they knew their holiday trip had officially started.
Interesting fact
The term "Underway" in the nautical context refers to the state of a vessel when it is in motion. This means the vessel is not tied up (moored), not held by an anchor, or stuck in shallow water or on land (aground). However, did you know that a vessel can be considered "underway" even if it is not making any progress through the water? According to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), a ship is "underway" when it is not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground. This means that even if a vessel is drifting because its engines have failed, as long as it is not anchored, moored, or aground, it is still technically "underway." This not only relates to the movement of the ship, but also has critical implications in terms of legal responsibilities and navigational rules.